A. Front squat
3×7; Building; Rest 2-3 min
Training notes:
•Build per set, but these should all be tough.
•Shoot for heavier than last week.
Record weight lifted.
B. 12 min AMRAP:
3-6-9…DB strict press
3-6-9…ball slams
3-6-9…wall balls
Training notes:
•Choose a moderately challenging weight for each movement. Should start to get tough after the set of 9.
Record reps completed.
A. Front squat
9,7,5; Building; Rest 2-3 min
Training notes:
•Build per set, but these should all be tough.
•Less reps than last week, so build a bit heavier.
Record weight lifted.
B. 12 min AMRAP:
1-2-3-4…wall climbs
5-10-15…wall balls (20 to 10’ – 14 to 9’)
Training notes:
•Nose touches the wall and control the eccentric on the wall climbs.
•Have a fractioning strategy going into this. Reps will start to add up on something like this.
Record time.