Todd Nief


60 min @ 50-70%:
5 min bike
2:30 rowing
1 min shuttle run, 50’ increments
1 min side plank, left
1 min shuttle run, 50’ increments
1 min side plank, right
2:30 rowing
5 min bike

PM: Push/Pull, int + Push/Pull, vol + Gym battery + Core
A. Push press + Push jerk
Build to a tough complex for today in 10 min

B1. Deadlifts
3×5; Tough; Touch-and-go; Rest 30s
B2. Swiss ball hamstring curls
3x60s; 2020 tempo; Rest 2-3 min

C. E30s for 3 min:
1 squat clean (tough)
-Rest 1 min
E20s for 3 min:
1 squat clean (tough)
-Rest 1 min
E10s for 3 min:
1 squat clean (tough)
*Change weight in 1 min rest periods.

D. 10 min AMRAP:
1 strict muscle-up
2 wall climbs
3 bar muscle-ups
4 strict handstand push-ups
10 assault bike calories
(Rest 5 min)
10 min AMRAP:
5 kipping handstand push-ups
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 kipping handstand push-ups
10 toes-to-bar
15 assault bike calories


Fitness & Performance
A. 5 sets:
60s Bike @50%
30s Bike @75%
30s Bike @85%
*this is not all out sprint
Rest 5 minutes
5 Sets:
30s Burpees @90%
30s Step-back burpees @60%
30s KB goblet squat @ 90%
30s Air squat @60%
30s DB press, tough @ 90%
30s DB push press, tough @ 60%
30s Alt Box jump-overs @90%
30s Alt Box step-ups @60%
Rest 5 minutes
5 sets:
60s Row @50%
30s ” @75%
30s “ @85%


A. Close grip bench-
4×3-5, 10×1, Rest 2 minutes
*Start heavier then last time

B. 4 Sets @ 90%:
5 Minute AMRAP:
10 Bike/row calories
8 DB hang Squat cleans, tough
6 Burpees
Rest 2 minute
*switch order every set and bike/row

A. Close grip bench-
4×3-5, 10×1, Rest 2 minutes
*Start heavier then last time

B. 4 Sets @ 90%:
5 Minute AMRAP:
10 Bike/row calories
8 Squat cleans (95/65)
6 Burpees over bar
Rest 2 minute
*switch order every set and bike/row


10 min assault bike @ 75%
-Rest 5 min
10 min assault bike @ 80%
-Rest 5 min
10 min assault bike @ 75%

Open 17.1
5-10 min assault bike @ Z1
20 min @ 50-70%:
1 min suitcase carry, right (moderate)
1 min suitcase carry, left (moderate)
1 min wall sit at parallel
2 min step-ups, alternating (24″/20”)
5 min rowing


A. Barbell RDL-
3×5-7, 20X1, Rest 2 minutes

B. 5 Sets: 30s on/ 30s Off @80-90%
Assault bike calories
Russian KB swings, heavy
Box Jumps, tough
HR push ups
Ball Slams

A. Barbell RDL-
3×5-7, 20X1, Rest 2 minutes

B. 5 Sets: 30s on/ 30s Off
Assault bike calories
Russian KB swings, heavy
Box Jumps (30/24)
Rack dips
Ball Slams


A. Double overhand deadlift, no hook grip
3×10; 30×0 tempo; Touch-and-go; Rest 90-120s

B. EMOTM 10:
3 narrow grip overhead squats w/ 1s pause in the bottom
*Moderate load. Nail postions.

C. Accumulate 10 legless rope climbs not for time

D. Accumulate 30 strict ring dips not for time

E1. Glute-ham raises
3x45s AMRAP; 20×0 tempo; Rest 30s
E2. Alternating weighted pistols (moderate)
3x45s AMRAP; Rest 2-3 min


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