Paul Wagner


Segmented power clean
5×3; Buliding; Rest 60s

Training notes:
Pause at mid-shin, below-the-knee and above-the-knee – this video only has one pause, so just add two more pauses.
•Prioritize positions over load lifted.
Record weights used.

B. EMOM 16:
1st: 30s DB hang squat cleans
2nd: 30s lateral burpees over the DBs
3rd: 30s DB shoulder-to-overhead
4th: 30s reverse lunges, alternating

Training notes:
•Move at a steady pace throughout – shoot for minimal attrition between rounds.
Record weight used.

Segmented power clean
5×3; Buliding; Rest 60s

Training notes:
Pause at mid-shin, below-the-knee and above-the-knee – this video only has one pause, so just add two more pauses.
•Prioritize positions over load lifted.
Record weights used.

B. EMOM 16:
1st: 5 squat cleans – drop each rep
2nd: 8 bar-facing burpees
3rd: 5 shoulder-to-overhead
4th: 30s jumping switch lunges

Training notes:
•Load on the barbell should be challenging but no misses
•Same load for squat cleans and shoulder-to-overhead
Record weight used.


Supinated flexed arm hang
5xAMSAP (-5); Rest 60-90s

Training notes:
•Leave about 5s in the tank on each set of flexed arm hang.
•Use a light band as necessary to assist with flexed arm hang so you can get at least 10s per round.

B. 2 rounds:
90s assault bike calories
-Rest 30s
90s circular handstand walk on box
-Rest 30s
90s row calories
-Rest 30s
90s strict hanging leg raise
-Rest 30s

Training notes:
•Raise legs as high as you can on strict hanging leg raise – but shoot to be consistent with height on that.

Jumping ring muscle-ups
5×3; Rest 60-90s

Training notes:
•Work on catching low in the dip. If you just “jump through” the transition, you will not develop the skill to actually catch yourself in the real thing.

B. 2 rounds:
90s assault bike calories
-Rest 30s
90s wall climbs
-Rest 30s
90s row calories
-Rest 30s
90s strict toes-to-bar
-Rest 30s

Training notes:
•Strict gymnastics movements should be challenging and should require intelligent fractioning from the start. Adjust accordingly so that the movement is doable – but some attrition throughout and between rounds is ok.

Record total reps completed.


In teams of three in waterfall style—
12 min AMRAP:
12/9 row calories
18 KB swings (53/35)
Overhead plate hold (45/25)
(Rest 8 min)
In teams of three in waterfall style—
12 min AMRAP:
12/9 assault bike calories
6/arm single-arm DB push presses (50/hand – 35/hand)
•Hold both DBs in the front rack but only press one side at a time
Double KB front rack hold (53/35)

Training notes:
•Think of this as three stations – one partner is doing a couplet, one partner is doing an isometric hold, and the other is resting. Once the partner working on the couplet completes their work, each partner rotates.

Record reps completed.


E2min for 6 sets:
Sets 1-3: 5 deadlifts
Sets 4-6: 4 deadlifts

Training notes:
•NOT touch-and-go.
•Start moderate and build throughout.
•Final set should be tough but not maximal.

Record weights lifted.

B. EMOM 6:
1st: 30-45s DB Z press (unbroken)
2nd: 30-45s Russian KB swings (heavy but unbroken)
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
1 devil press (50/hand – 35/hand)
1 box step overs (50/hand to 24” – 35/hand to 20”)

Training notes:
•Choose challenging but sustainable weights for the first EMOM.
•8 min AMRAP is basically a devil press into a box step over. This should be a consistent grind throughout.

Record time.


EMOM 12:
1st: 25s row/assault bike @ gradually escalating pace – last 5s at near all out pace
2nd: 20s double DB front squats (move fast)
3rd: 20s lateral burpees over the DBs (move fast)
4th: Rest

Training notes:
•Timeframe on the bike/row has increased over the last several weeks – pace will slow down based upon that.
•Choose a weight that allows you to move fast on the DB front squats.

B. E2min for 8 sets:
1st: 5 handstand push-ups + 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups + 6 DB snatches, alternating
2nd: 20 jumping switch lunges + 6 DB snatches, alternating

Training notes:
•16 minutes total
•Move fast on these pieces.
•Scale handstand push-ups and chest-to-bar pull-ups to a challenging upper body pushing and pulling movement.

Record time.


Jerk dip + Jerk drive + Push press x2
4x(1+1+2); Building; Rest 2 min

Training notes:
•Use the jerk dip and the jerk drive as an opportunity to nail good positions for the heavy set of two push presses at the end.
Record weights for each set.

B. 12 min AMRAP:
15 KB suitcase deadlifts, right
7 strict hanging leg raises
15 KB suitcase deadlifts, left
6/side single-arm DB Z presses

Training notes:
•Use a weight for suitcase deadlifts that doesn’t cause shifting or rotation.Record rounds completed.

Jerk dip + Jerk drive + Push press x2
4x(1+1+2); Building; Rest 2 min

Training notes:
•Use the jerk dip and the jerk drive as an opportunity to nail good positions for the heavy set of two push presses at the end.
Record weights for each set.

B. 12 min AMRAP:
15 KB suitcase deadlifts, right
7 strict toes-to-bar
15 KB suitcase deadlifts, left
6 DB Turkish get-ups, alternating

Training notes:
•Use a weight for suitcase deadlifts that doesn’t cause shifting or rotation.
•Use a different weight for TGUs and suitcase deadlifts.
Record rounds completed.


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