Paul Wagner



  1. Back squat-

3×5, 10X0, R90s


  1. Teams of 3:

20 minute AMRAP-

Row 750M

45 Wall Balls

45 Double DB Push Press

*one person working at a time

*DB’s must stay off floor entire workout



  1. Back squat-

3,2,1,10X0, R90s

*Finish heavier then last week


  1. Teams of 3:

20 minute AMRAP-

Row 750M

45 Wall Balls (20/14)

45 Double KB Push Press (53/35)

*one person working at a time

** KB’s must stay off floor entire workout


5 sets @ 85-90%:
1 strict ring muscle-up
50 double-unders
3 strict chest-to-bar pull-ups
50 double-unders
5 strict pull-ups
-Rest 2-3 min
(Rest as needed)
For time:
7 strict handstand push-ups
7 tough Pendlay rows
12 strict handstand push-ups
12 tough Pendlay rows
17 strict handstand push-ups
17 tough Pendlay rows
(Rest as needed)
10 min AMRAP:
1 legless rope climb (15’)
10 assault bike cals @ 75%
1 power clean (255/175)
10 assault bike cals @ 75%

5k run @ 75%
*”Jogging” pace



Partners alternating rounds:

25 Minute AMRAP-

4 Ring rows

6 Russian KB swings, Tough

8 Alt lunges

10 Burpees



Partners alternating rounds:

25 Minute AMRAP-

1 Rope Climb

4 Power Cleans (115/75)

6 Alt front rack lunges (115/75)

50 Double Unders


A. Squat snatch
3,3,2,2,1,1; Rest 2 min
*Reset between reps – not touch-and-go
B. Snatch balance + Overhead squat + Snatch balance
Build to a tough complex, then do 3x(1+1+1) @ 85% of today’s tough set
C. Front squat
Build quickly to a challenging 5 for today, then do 3×5 @ 85-90% of today’s tough set
D. 5 sets:
30s shrimp squats, right
-Rest 10s
30s shrimp squats, left
-Rest 10s
45s glute-ham raises
-Rest 2-3 min
E. 15 min AMRAP:
100’ double KB front rack carry – tough
100’ yoke walk – heavy
40 air squats
100’ bear crawl
100’ handstand walk



  1. Power snatch- Hang power snatch

Build to a tough complex in 15 minutes


  1. 15’ ladder-

3 timed attempts


  1. EMOTM 12-

1st– 3-5 Broad Jumps

2nd– 8 Russian kb swings, AHAP

3rd– 2 Wall climbs



  1. Hang snatch high pull + Hang power snatch- High hang power snatch

Build to a tough complex in 15 minutes


  1. 15’ ladder-

3 timed attempts


  1. EMOTM 12-

1st– 3 Box Jump, step down, HIGH!

2nd– 8 Russian KB swings, AHAP

3rd– 2 Rope Climbs


45 min @ 75%:
1 min assault bike
5 ring rows
1 min row
30s handstand hold against-the-wall
1 min FLR on rings
50’ crab walk
1 min shuttle run – 10 yard increments
20 double-unders

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