Paul Wagner


A. Back squat-
3×5, Across (start around 75% of 3RM), 20X1, R90s
*Find 3RM if you missed last week

B. Bench Press-
3×5, Across (start around 75% of 3RM), 20X1, R90s
*Find 3RM if you missed last week

C. Bar in rack strict pull-ups-
3×5-7, R90s

D1. Powell raise
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s
D2. Seated external rotation
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s


A. Back squat-
3,2,3,2, waveload, 20X1, R90s
*find 1RM if you missed last week

B. Bench Press-
3,2,3,2, waveload, 20X1, R90s
*find 1RM if you missed last week

C. Weighted strict pull-up-
3×5, across, R90s

D1. Powell raise
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s
D2. Seated external rotation
3×8-10/arm, 3010, R90s


4 min bike @ 75%
1 min bike @ 85%
30s bike @ 90%
-Rest 30s
3 min bike @ 75%
1 min bike @ 85%
30s bike @ 90%
-Rest 30s
2 min bike @ 75%
1 min bike @ 85%
30s bike @ 90%
-Rest 30s
1 min bike @ 75%
1 min bike @ 85%
30s bike @ 90%

PM: MAP, high %, mixed
1->10 unbroken chest-to-bar pull-ups
(Rest 10 min)
1->10 unbroken handstand push-ups
(Rest 10 min)
20 min AMRAP:
5 deadlifts (315/205)
7 strict toes-to-bar
9 wall balls (30 to 10′ – 20 to 10’)
11 assault bike calories
10 min assault bike @ Z1


Teams of two with one person working at a time. If bar touches the ground once working set begins, team must complete 10 alternating burpees.
For time:
60 Snatches, tough
60 Assault bike calories
60 Thrusters, tough
60 Row calories
60 Back squats, tough
60 Assault bike calories
60 Power cleans, tough

Teams of two with one person working at a time. If bar touches the ground once working set begins, team must complete 10 alternating burpees.
For time:
60 Thrusters (75/45)
60 Assault bike calories
60 Snatches (95/65)
60 Row calories
60 Power cleans (135/95)
60 Assault bike calories
60 Back squats (185/135)


E20s for 5 min:
1 single-leg box jump, right – moderate height
E20s for 5 min:
1 single-leg box jump, left
5 min single-leg bounding practice
2 rounds:
5 min row @ 70%
4 min row @ 75%
3 min row @ 80%
2 min row @ 85%
1 min row @ 90%

PM: Oly, complex + DOHDL + Gym complex or Push/Pull muscle endurance + Grinder
A. Power clean
Build to a max for today in 10 min

B. Squat snatch
Build to a tough for today
*Touch-and-go on each set – but drop the bar for the cluster notation.

C. 17 min AMRAP:
40 bar-facing burpees
30 power cleans (95/65)
30 bar-facing burpees
30 power cleans (155/105)
20 bar-facing burpees
30 power cleans (225/145)
10 bar-facing burpees
AMRAP power cleans (275/175)


A. Front squat-
Build to 3RM in 15 minutes

B. Push Press-
Build to a 3RM in 15 minutes

C. 12 minute AMRAP-
150 Wall balls, tough
Max Double unders

A. Front squat-
Build to 1RM in 15 minutes

B. Push Press-
Build to 1RM in 15 mintues

C. 13.3
12 Minute AMRAP-
150 Wall Balls (20/14)
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle ups


60 min @ 50-70%:
1 min single-unders
1 min shuttle running, 50’ increments
1 min cross-over step-ups (24″/20”)
1 min assault bike
1 min unloaded Turkish get-ups, alternating


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