A. Teams of two, one person working at a time:
Dumbbell Snatch, tough
*After each round:
60’s Jump Rope work
20 Walking Lunge
B1. Hollow rocks
3×10-12, R45s
B2. Low ring plank hold
3x 30s, R45s
B3. banded pallof press
3×5-7/side, R45s
A. Teams of two, one person working at a time:
Dumbbell Snatch (70/55#)
*After each round both athletes complete:
50 Double-unders
20 walking lunges
B1. Hollow rocks
3×10-12, R45s
B2. Low ring plank hold
3x 30s, R45s
B3. banded pallof press
3×5-7/side, R45s