5 sets on a 2 min interval:
50’ belted reverse sled drag (heavy)
*Assault bike @ 50% during rest periods.
**Increase weight after 2nd set and 4th set
(Rest 5 min)
5 sets on a 2 min interval:
100’ belted reverse sled drag (heavy)
*Assault bike @ 50% during rest periods.
**Increase weight after 2nd set and 4th set
A. Squat snatch
5×2; Rest 90s
*Reset each rep. No heavier than 85%.
B. 3-5 sets of the complex:
1 strict ring muscle-up + 2 kipping ring muscle-ups + 3 strict ring dips; Rest as needed
*Full external rotation on lockout.
C1. Strict handstand push-up + Kipping handstand push-up x2
3x(1+2); Tough deficit; Rest 30s
C2. L-sit on rings w/ external rotation – single-leg as necessary
3×10-20s; Rest 30s
C3. Hang from rope
3×10-20s; Rest 2 min
D. EMOTM 15:
1st: 30s archer push-ups, alternating arms @ 20×0 tempo
2nd: 30s single-arm ring rows, alternating arms @ 20×0 tempo
3rd: 30s wall balls (30 to 10’/20 to 10’)
E. 10 min AMRAP:
1/arm Turkish get-up (70/55)
21 ski erg calories
5 double overhand deadlifts, no hook grip (275/185)
21 ski erg calories