8 rounds:
75’ broad jumps – big jump per rep
400m recovery jog
A. Skin-the-cat on rings + Strict ring muscle-up
*Take a few attempts at the complex
5 min practice straight arm legless rope climb
5 min peg board practice
B. Accumulate 30 free-standing hip taps
C. 5 sets:
30s support on rings in external rotation – shoulders off of straps
45s handstand walk
30s support on rings in external rotation
-Rest as needed
D. 21-9-18-12-15 @ 85%:
Assault bike calories
Jump squats
Russian KB swings (70/55)
(Rest 5 min)
21-9-18-12-15 @ 85%:
Row calories
Box jumps, step down (24/20)
Goblet squats (70/55)