A. Back squat
Build to a moderate set of 7 @ 20×1 tempo in 12 minutes
B. 5 sets @ 85%:
30s jumping switch lungs
30s assault bike
30s jumping switch lunges
-Rest 1 min
*Keep lunge reps per 30s and rpm on bike consistent.
C. 5 sets:
10 DB bench press – moderate
30s ring push-ups
-Rest 1 min
10 double DB bent over row – moderate
30s ring rows
-Rest 1 min
*Shoot for consistency on ring push-ups and ring rows. Fraction early if you have to.
D. 5 sets:
30-50’ handstand walk
50’ double KB overhead carry, tough weight – elbows locked out
50’ standing hand-over-hand sled pull, grinder weight
30-50’ handstand walk
-Rest 90-120s