A. Segmented snatch pull
4×3; Building; Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Pause at mid-shin, below-the-knee and mid-thigh.
•Prioritize positions over load lifted.
Record weight lifted.
B. For time:
50 goblet squats
50 bike/row calories
40 Russian KB swings
40 bike/row calories
30 burpees
30 bike/row calories
Training notes:
•15 minute cap.
Record time
A. Segmented snatch pull
4×3; Building; Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Pause at mid-shin, below-the-knee and mid-thigh.
•Prioritize positions over load lifted. Do not go heavier than 1RM snatch.
Record weight lifted.
B. For time:
21 double KB front squats (70/hand – 53/hand)
50 bike/row calories
15 sandbag over shoulder (150/100)
40 bike/row calories
9 burpee bar muscle-ups
30 bike/row calories
Training notes:
•15 minute cap.
•Can stagger start based upon equipment available.
Record time.