Workout of the Day

Supinated flexed arm hang
5xAMSAP (-5); Rest 60-90s

Training notes:
•Leave about 5s in the tank on each set of flexed arm hang.
•Use a light band as necessary to assist with flexed arm hang so you can get at least 10s per round.

B. 2 rounds:
90s assault bike calories
-Rest 30s
90s circular handstand walk on box
-Rest 30s
90s row calories
-Rest 30s
90s strict hanging leg raise
-Rest 30s

Training notes:
•Raise legs as high as you can on strict hanging leg raise – but shoot to be consistent with height on that.

Jumping ring muscle-ups
5×3; Rest 60-90s

Training notes:
•Work on catching low in the dip. If you just “jump through” the transition, you will not develop the skill to actually catch yourself in the real thing.

B. 2 rounds:
90s assault bike calories
-Rest 30s
90s wall climbs
-Rest 30s
90s row calories
-Rest 30s
90s strict toes-to-bar
-Rest 30s

Training notes:
•Strict gymnastics movements should be challenging and should require intelligent fractioning from the start. Adjust accordingly so that the movement is doable – but some attrition throughout and between rounds is ok.

Record total reps completed.


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    All the same training notes and explanations that are included on the blog will be sent with the week’s training as well.

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