A. EMOM 10:
1st: 10-30s hang from pull-up bar
2nd: 30-45s plank w/ alternating shoulder taps
B. 15 min AMRAP:
30 lateral plates hops
10 renegade rows
30 lateral plate hops
10 goblet squats (tough)
Training notes:
•Plate hops are preferable to single-unders. Scaling number of double-unders is preferable to plate hops.
•Renegade row weight should be tough.
Record reps completed.
A. EMOM 10:
1st: 5-10s flexed arm hang + 5-10s hang from pull-up bar
2nd: 10-30s shoulder taps, alternating – freestanding if possible
Training notes:
•Don’t come down off the bar b/w flexed arm hang and hang from pull-up bar.
B. 15 min AMRAP:
75 double-unders
10 bar muscle-ups
75 double-unders
10 overhead squats (115/75)
Training notes:
•Modify bar muscle-ups with a “difficult” gymnastics exercise of your choice – prioritize pushing or pulling based upon what you need to work on. Doesn’t have to be 10 reps…
•Reduce number of double-unders rather than scaling double-unders if possible.
Record reps completed.