Workout of the Day

A. Ring push-ups
3xAMRAP (-2); 2212 tempo; Rest as needed
Training notes:
•Prioritize tempo over reps completed.
•Leave two reps in the tank.
B. 7 min handstand practice
Training notes:
•Kick up against the wall, wall climbs, shoulder taps, etc.
C. 18-15-12-9-6-3:
DB snatches, alternating
DB goblet squats
Ring rows
Training notes:
•DB weight should be moderate.
•Reduce reps as necessary if this is an unreasonable amount of volume for you.
Record time.
A. Strict ring dips
3×3; 3312 tempo; Rest as needed
Training notes:
•Honest on tempo. Goal is great positions with time under tension.
B. 7 min handstand walk practice
Training notes:
•Kicking up, pirouettes, controlling pace, keeping feet together, etc.
C. 21-15-9:
DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Single-arm DB front squats (50/35)
Kipping handstand push-ups
Training notes:
•15 minute cap.
•No arm requirement on single-arm DB front squats. Switch as necessary.
Record time.

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    All the same training notes and explanations that are included on the blog will be sent with the week’s training as well.

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