A. Back squat
4×3; Across; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Pick a challenging weight and stick with it for all 4 sets.
Record weight used.
B. EMOM 8:
1st: 8 rear-foot elevated split squats, right
2nd: 8 rear-foot elevated split squats, left
•Load with DBs at sides.
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
12 DB deadlifts
10 DB hang power cleans
8 DB push presses
6 V-ups
Training notes:
•DBs should be “moderately tough.”
Record reps completed in AMRAP.
A. Back squat
4×3; Across; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Pick a challenging weight and stick with it for all 4 sets.
Record weight used.
B. EMOM 8:
1st: 8 rear-foot elevated split squats, right
2nd: 8 rear-foot elevated split squats, left
•Load with DBs at sides.
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
12 DB deadlifts (50/hand – 35/hand)
10 DB hang power cleans
8 DB push presses
6 toes-to-bar
Training notes:
•DBs should be “moderately tough.”
Record reps completed in AMRAP.