Workout of the Day

A. EMOM 10:
2 power snatches w/ 1s pause in receiving position

Training notes:
•Prioritize good positions over load lifted.
•Reset each rep. Not touch-and-go.

B. 12 min AMRAP:
12 bike/row calories
8/side alternating goblet lunges
4 DB press (tough)

Training notes:
•Hold KB in goblet position for lunges.
•Note the difference between bike/row pace going into something faster/high turnover on Monday vs something grindier like today.

Record reps completed.

A. EMOM 10:
Mins 1-5: 2 muscle snatches + 2 overhead squats
Mins 6-10: 3 squat snatches

Training notes:
•Prioritize good positions over load lifted.
•Reset each rep. Not touch-and-go.
•Goal of muscle snatches and overhead squats is to feel the “pull under” the bar

B. 12 min AMRAP:
12 bike/row calories
8/side alternating single-arm DB overhead reverse lunges, right (50/35)
4 strict handstand push-ups
12 bike/row calories
8/side alternating single-arm DB overhead reverse lunges, left (50/35)
4 strict handstand push-ups

Training notes:
•Hold DB in right hand on right side for first set of lunges and in left hand on second set of lunges. Feet alternate.
•Note the difference between bike/row pace going into something faster/high turnover on Monday vs something grindier like today.

Record reps completed.


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    All the same training notes and explanations that are included on the blog will be sent with the week’s training as well.

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