Workout of the Day

A1. Strict pull-ups w/ assistance as necessary
3×5; Rest 45s
A2. Strict bar dips w/ assistance as necessary
3×5; Rest 45s
A3. Devil presses
3×10; Tough; Rest 2-3 min

Training notes:
•Try to choose an amount of resistance that is difficult but sustainable across sets.
•Devil presses should be tough but not so heavy that you slow down significantly throughout.

Record AMRAP sets.

B. 10 min AMRAP:
10 single-arm DB thrusters, left
8 burpee box jump overs
10 single-arm DB thrusters, right
8 burpee box jump overs

Training notes:
•This should be a slower/grindy piece.
•Weights should be tough but manageable.

Record reps completed.

A1. Strict chest-to-bar pull-ups
3xAMRAP (-2); Rest 45s
A2. Strict handstand push-ups
3xAMRAP (-2); Rest 45s
A3. Devil presses
3×10; Tough; Rest 2-3 min

Training notes:
•Leave a few reps in the tank on the bodyweight movements.
•Devil presses should be tough but not so heavy that you slow down significantly throughout.

Record AMRAP sets.
B. 10 min AMRAP:
6 Turkish get-ups, alternating (53/35)
8 burpee box jump overs (24”/20”)
10 DB thrusters (50/hand – 35/hand)

Training notes:
•This should be a slower/grindy piece.
•Weights should be tough but manageable.

Record reps completed.


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    All the same training notes and explanations that are included on the blog will be sent with the week’s training as well.

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