Where were you born?
Chicago IL
Where did you grow up?
Not sure I did.
What schools did you attend?
American Military University – Master’s in Management & Org Leadership; U.S. Naval Technical Training Center – Apprenticeship and Certification in Supply Chain Management
When did you start CrossFit / Weightlifting?
Starting lifting during adolescence using all the hand-me-down equipment, books, and VHS tapes I could get my hands on; CrossFit was occasionally part of military training; Started training to compete in Olympic Weightlifting in 2020.
What made you start CrossFit / Weightlifting?
Most workout splits became a total chore so I spent a few years exploring minimalist programs which led me to become enchanted with the very big-bang-for-your-buck, compound nature of snatching and clean & jerking.
When did you come to SLSC?
April 2023
What do you enjoy about SLSC?
I sensed a charming chemistry and technical competency while sharing a platform with SLSC lifters at one of the big national weightlifting meets. Coincidentally, one month later, when I was recruited back to Chicago, I knew exactly who to reach out to to continue training.
What do you enjoy about coaching?
What I love most about getting people strong is the transformation that takes place within them. You see them standing more upright, sometimes becoming more bold, sometimes more patient, contending better with pain, stress, etc. It’s not quite magic, there are reasons for this, but, simply put, positive things tend to occur when we honor the biology we’ve been granted. Don’t take my word for it though – start squatting and see for yourself.
What would you say to someone who is considering trying out SLSC but is unsure?
There is no perfect time, there are no perfect conditions, and no perfect feelings to get started. You just have to decide you want to proceed toward the next best step, show up, and launch. Small wins first.