Paul Wagner


A. EMOTM 12:
Mins 1-4: 3 touch-and-go high hang squat snatches
Mins 5-8: 3 touch-and-go above-the-knee squat snatches
Mins 9-12: 3 touch-and-go below-the-knee squat snatches
*Prioritize speed and position over load.

Squat snatch + Overhead squat + Snatch balance
*Start moderate and build per set.

C. Squat clean thruster
Build to a max for today in 8 min – no foot shuffle or rebend on thruster.

D. Sumo deadlift
Build to a max for today in 10 min

E. Strict ring pull-ups + Strict toes-through rings + Kipping ring muscle-ups
3-5 x (3+3+3); Rest as needed

F. 21-15-9:
Deadlifts (315/205)
Box jumps, no rebound (30/24)
Assault bike calories


A. Every 2 minutes for 5 sets:
Power snatch- 1.1.1
*Small increase in weight from last week

B.Every 2 minutes for 5 sets:
Power clean & Push Jerk- 1.1.1
*Small increase in weight from last week

C. 8 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8,10 Burpees to 45lb plate
2,4,6,8,10 Power cleans, tough

A.Every 2 minutes for 5 sets:
Snatch- 1.1, Build every 2 sets

B.Every 2 minutes for 5 sets:
Clean & Split Jerk- 1.1, Build every 2 sets

C. 8 minute AMRAP:
2,4,6,8,10 Lateral bar burpees
2,4,6,8,10 Power cleans (135/95)


60 min @ 50-70%:
4 min assault bike
1 min step-ups, alternating
3 min rowing
1 min step-ups, alternating
2 min shuttle run, 50’ increments
1 min step-ups, alternating
2 min farmer’s walk – moderate load
1 min step-ups, alternating


Fitness + Peformance

A. Muscle Snatch-
3×3-5, R45s
*This should be light, all technique work

B. Accumulate 60s for each-
Opposing limb arch holds (30s/side)
Flexed arm hang

C. EMOTM 12-
1st- 45s Tall kneeling KB chest press
2nd- 45s DB Farmers walk
3rd- 45s Dynamic bird dog
4th- 45s Alt D-ball over-the-shoulder

D. 12 minutes:
1 minute- Row Below 20 S/M
1 minute- KB Halo (alt direction each rotation)
1 minute- Assault bike @ 70%
1 minute- Burpee box step overs (20″ max)


3x30m alternate leg bounding
-Walk back to start
3x30m LLRR bounding
-Walk back to start
*Two bounds on left leg, two bounds on right leg
(Rest as needed)
10 sets:
15s run @ high effort
90s jog @ 50%
-Walk 15s
5 sets:
7s run @ high effort
1:23 jog @ 505
-Walk 30

PM: MAP, high %, high turnover
30 min of 30s on/30s off:
Thrusters (75/55)
Bar-facing burpees
Assault bike
(Rest 10 min)
10 min @ 85%:
10 DB snatches, alternating (70/55)
20 pistols
50 double-unders
(Rest 10 min)
10 min @ 85%:
500m row
21 overhead squats (95/65)
15 box jumps, step down (24/20)
9 toes-to-bar
(Rest 5-10 min)
Accumulate 3 min Sorensen hold with consistent fractioning


A. Back Squat-
3×5, 20X1, Across, R90-120s
*Add 5lbs from last week

B. Bar kip/kipping knee raise skill work- 5-8 minutes
3×3-5 Kipping knee raises

C. 4 sets- 30s on/ 20s off @ 90%
Side-to-side Ball slams
Assault bike calories
Double DB clean & jerk
Jump rope work

A. Back Squat-
3×5, 20X1, build, R90-120s
*start slightly heavier then last week

B. Bar kip/toe-to-bar skill work- 5-8 minutes
3×3-5 switch grip kipping toes-to-bar

C. 4 sets- 30s on/ 20s off @ 90%
DB renegade rows
Assault bike calories
SA KB clean & jerk (alternate sides every round)
Double unders


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