Paul Wagner


2 sets:
400m run @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
300m run @ 85%
-Rest 1 min
200m run @ 85%
-Rest 1 min
100m run @ 90%
-Rest 3-5 min
(Rest as needed)
3 sets:
300m run @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
200m run @ 85%
-Rest 1 min
100m run @ 95%
-Rest 3-5 min

A. Back squat
3×6; 40×1 tempo; Rest 2-3 min
*Build as able per set.

1st: 8-10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
2nd: 5 touch-and-go push jerks (tough)
(Rest 3-5 min)
1st: 30s AMRAP strict handstand push-ups
2nd: 5 Pendlay rows (tough)

C. 4 rounds:
2 rope climbs (15’)
4 squat cleans (225/155)

D. EMOTM 10:
1st: 30-45s stir-the-pot
2nd: 30-45s supine Chinese plank


A. Back squat-
3×6, 20X1, Build, Rest 90s

B. Assisted Pull Up-
3×3-5, 20×1, R90

C. EMOTM 16:
1st min: 5 touch-and-go power Cleans, tough
2nd min: 7 DB Push Push
3rd min: 7 Box Jumps, tough
4th min: 30s Bike Calories

A. Back squat-
3×6, 20X1, Build, Rest 90s

B. Weighted Pull Up-
3×3-5, 20×1, Build, R90

C. EMOTM 16:
1st min: 5 touch-and-go power Cleans @ 65-70%
2nd min: 5 Push Jerk (Clean weight)
3rd min: 5 Box Jumps (30+/24+)
4th min: Bike Calories (15/10)


60 min @ 50-70%:
4 min row w/ damper @ 1
1 min overhead squats w/ PVC
4 min assault bike
1 min hang power snatch w/ PVC
4 min row w/ damper @ 1
1 min overhead walking lunge w/ PVC
4 min assault bike
1 min hang power clean & jerk w/ PVC


A. Pause deadlift-
3×7, 1s pause 3 inches off floor, Build, Rest 90s

B. 2 sets:
3 minute AMRAP:
Bike calories (10/8)
10 Russian KB swings, tough
Rest 2 minutes
3 minute AMRAP:
Row calories (12/10)
10 Wall Balls, tough
Rest 2 minutes
3 minute AMRAP:
30 DU or single
10 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes

A. Pause deadlift-
3×7, 1s pause 3 inches off floor, Build, Rest 90s

B. 2 sets:
3 minute AMRAP:
Bike calories (10/8)
10 Russian KB swings (70/53)
Rest 2 minutes
3 minute AMRAP:
Row calories (15/12)
10 Wall Balls (20/14)
Rest 2 minutes
3 minute AMRAP:
30 DU
10 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes


5 min run @ 50%
-Rest 30s
4 min run @ 75%
-Rest 30s
3 min run @ 50%
-Rest 30s
2 min run @ 75%
-Rest 30s
1 min run @ 50%
-Rest 30s
1 min run @ 75%
-Rest 30s
2 min run @ 50%
-Rest 30s
3 min run @ 75%
-Rest 30s
4 min run @ 50%
-Rest 30s
5 min run @ 75%
*Use a Trueform if possible.

A1. Strict weighted chest-to-bar pull-up
Build quickly to a tough 3 for today
A2. Strict weighted ring dip @ 22×1 tempo
Build quickly to a tough 3 for today

B1. Pendlay row
Build quickly to a tough 3 for today
B2. Floor press
Build quickly to a tough 3 for today

C. 15 min assault bike @ 75%
*E2:30 get off and do:
1st: 1 legless rope climb
2nd: 2 legless rope climbs
*First interval do one, second interval do 2, third interval do 1, etc.
(Rest 5 min)
15 min row @ 75%
*E2:30 get off and do 30-50’ handstand walk – unbroken

D. 3 sets:
3 strict knees-to-elbows + 3 strict toes-to-bar + 5 kipping toes-to-bar
15 GHD sit-ups
-Rest 2 min


A. 5 Rounds:
5 Jumping pull ups
10 Power snatches, tough
15 Burpees

B1. Alt DB hammer curl-
3×12-15, Rest 45s
B2. DB Lateral raises
3×12-15, Rest 45s
B3. Band tricep pushdowns-
3×12-15, Rest 45s

A. 5 Rounds:
5 C2B pull ups
10 Power snatches (115/75)
15 Burpee box jumps (24/20)

B1. Alt DB hammer curl-
3×12-15, Rest 45s
B2. DB Lateral raises
3×12-15, Rest 45s
B3. Band tricep pushdowns-
3×12-15, Rest 45s


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