In teams of two, complete the following waterfall style with partners switching order every other movement–
For time:
31 DB push presses
31 ring rows
31 DB snatches, alternating
31 ball slams
31 toes-to-bar
31 push-ups
31 box jumps
31 back squats double DB front squats
31 skaters, alternating
31 DB thrusters
31 lunges
31 burpees
365m row
Training notes:
•P1 does push presses and pull-ups. P2 starts push presses when P1 finishes push presses, then does pull-ups and power snatches. P1 starts power snatches when P2 finishers power snatches, etc.
Record time.
In teams of two, complete the following waterfall style with partners switching order every other movement–
For time:
31 push presses (75/55)
31 pull-ups
31 power snatches (75/55)
31 ball slams (30/20)
31 toes-to-bar
31 push-ups
31 box jumps (24/20)
31 back squats (75/55)
31 unbroken double-unders
31 thrusters (75/55)
31 lunges
31 burpees
365m row
Training notes:
•P1 does push presses and pull-ups. P2 starts push presses when P1 finishes push presses, then does pull-ups and power snatches. P1 starts power snatches when P2 finishers power snatches, etc.
Record time.