A. Back Squat-
4×5, 20X1, Across, R90-120s
*Add 5lbs from last week
B. Rope Climb skill work- 5 minutes
3×2-3 Rope climbs/prone-to-standing rope climbs
C. 20 minutes- 30s on/ 30s off @ 90%
Renegade rows, tough
Slam ball GTOH
Burpees to 45lb plate
assault bike calories
A. Back Squat-
4×5, 20X1, build, R90-120s
*start slightly heavier then last week
B. Rope climb skill work- 5 minutes
3×2-3 Legless rope climbs/L-sit rope climbs
*start from seated on floor, stop half way if needed
C. 20 minutes- 30s on/ 30s off @ 90%
Renegade rows (1/4 of body weight)
Barbell Ground to overhead (95/65)
Bar facing burpees
Row calories