Workout of the Day


A. (:20/:10)- 2 people per station. Trade exercises before moving to next station. Fits 16 people will take 8:00.
1. DB Clean & jerk- right/DB clean & jerk- left
2. Burpees/ pike touch- right
3. Box jumps/ pike touch- left
4. Squat hop 2s/ back extensions (GHD)
5. Treadmill/ wall chair
6. Ski/ strict press (seated w/ barbell)
7. DB push press- right/ DB push press- left
8. Front squat (BB)/ bent over row (BB)
B. 8 min AMRAP:
10 DB hang clean & press
15 box jumps, step down
1st: 20-30s/side single-leg wall sit at parallel
2nd: 30-45s FLR on rings


A. (:20/:10)- 2 people per station. Trade exercises before moving to next station. Fits 16 people will take 8:00.
1. DB Clean & jerk- right/DB clean & jerk- left
2. Burpees/ pike touch- right
3. Box jumps/ pike touch- left
4. Squat hop 2s/ back extensions (GHD)
5. Treadmill/ wall chair
6. Ski/ strict press (seated w/ barbell)
7. DB push press- right/ DB push press- left
8. Front squat (BB)/ bent over row (BB)
B. For time:
15 clean & jerks (135/95)
50 box jump overs, step down (30”/24”)
15 clean & jerks (135/95)
*8 min cap.


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