In teams of two, partners switch as necessary —
20 min AMRAP:
10 D-ball squat cleans
25’ D-ball Zercher carry
10 burpees
10 D-ball squat cleans
25’ D-ball Zercher carry
20 ball slams – different weight than D-ball
20 min AMRAP:
30 assault bike calories
16 Russian KB swings
16 box jumps, step down
In teams of two, partners switch as necessary —
20 min AMRAP:
10 DB power cleans (50/35)
25’ DB walking lunge (50/hand – 35/hand)
10 burpees
10 DB power cleans (50/35)
25’ DB walking lunge (50/hand – 35/hand)
20 ball slams (30/20)
*Not front rack DB walking lunge.
20 min AMRAP:
40 assault bike calories
12 power cleans (185/125)
12 shoulder-to-overhead (185/125)