A. EMOTM 12:
1st: 4-6 strict presses @ 20×0 tempo
2nd: 8-10 double DB deadlifts
*Both heads of the dumbbells touch the ground.
3rd: Rest
*Heavier than last week on press and DB deadlifts.
B. In teams of two – partners alternate rounds:
7 min AMRAP:
20 walking lunges
10 Russian KB swings
(Rest 3 min)
7 min AMRAP:
10 jumping switch lunges
10 Russian KB swings
A. EMOTM 12:
1st: 30s DB see-saw press
2nd: 1 broad jump (explosive)
3rd: 30s/side single-leg calf raises off of 2” platform @ 1111 tempo
4th: Rest
B. In teams of two – partners alternate rounds—
7 min AMRAP:
10 power cleans (95/65)
20 alternating front rack lunges (95/65)
*Stay in place on lunges.
(Rest 3 min)
7 min AMRAP:
5 power cleans (135/95)
10 alternating front rack lunges (135/95)