A. EMOTM 12:
1st: 6-8 strict press @ 20×0 tempo
2nd: 6-8 double DB deadlifts @ 20×0 tempo
*Both heads of DBs touch the ground.
3rd: Rest
B. In teams of two – partners alternate rounds:
7 min AMRAP:
12 DB snatches
6 burpees
(Rest 3 min)
7 min AMRAP:
12 box jumps, step down
6 burpees
A. EMOTM 12:
1st: 8-10 DB Z press @ 30×0 tempo
2nd: 10 Russian KB swings (heavy)
3rd: 60s kneeling banded hip extensions
4th: Rest
B. In teams of two – partners alternate rounds:
7 min AMRAP:
12 DB snatches, unbroken* (50/35)
6 burpees
*Switch hands in mid-air
(Rest 3 min)
7 min AMRAP:
6 DB snatches, unbroken* (70/50)
6 burpee box jump overs (24”/20”)
*Switch hands in mid-air.