A. Standing Slam ball Shot toss-
2×5/side,10-20lb, Rest as needed
B. Seated Broad jump-
10 jumps, Rest as needed
*use end of bench
C. 20 minute AMRAP
200M Run
10 Russian KB swings, tough
200M Row
20 Burpees
Bike Calories (20/15)
30 Air squats
A. Standing Slam ball Shot toss-
2×5/side,10-20lb, Rest as needed
B. Seated Broad jump-
10 jumps, Rest as needed
*use end of bench
C. 20 minute AMRAP
200M Run
10/side Single arm Russian KB swings (70/53)
200M Row
20 Burpees to 6” target
Bike calories (20/15)
30 Air squats