Workout of the Day

5 sets on a 2 min interval:
50’ sled push (heavy)
*Assault bike @ 50% during rest periods.
**Increase weight after 2nd set and 4th set
(Rest 5 min)
5 sets on a 2 min interval:
100’ sled push (tough but fast)
*Assault bike @ 50% during rest periods.
**Increase weight after 2nd set and 4th set

A. Squat snatch
5×3; Rest 90s
*Reset each rep. No heavier than 80%.

B. E30s for 10 min:
1st: 1-2 strict ring muscle-ups – external rotation on lockout
2nd: 1 strict deficit handstand push-up (tough)

C. E20s for 6-10 sets:
5s L-sit hanging from pull-up bar
(Rest 3 min)
E20s for 6-10 sets:
5s hang from rope

D. EMOTM 10:
1st: 30s AMRAP archer push-ups, alternating arms @ 20×0 tempo
2nd: 30s single-arm ring rows, alternating arms @ 20×0 tempo

E. 5 rounds:
100’ bear crawl
36 double-unders w/ Zeus rope
50’ front rack axle carry (tough)
-Rest 2 min


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