3 sets:
2:30 row @ gradually escalating pace
2:30 row @ gradually decreasing pace
-Rest/walk 1 min
*Start at moderate pace and increase to “hard row” effort – faster than 2k pace
2:30 assault bike @ gradually escalating pace
2:30 assault bike @ gradually decreasing pace
-Rest/walk 1 min
PM: MAP, high %, mixed
Mins 1-3: 3 tall snatches
Mins 4-6: 3 high hang squat snatches
Mins 7-9: 3 mid-thigh squat snatches
*Increase weight every 3 minutes. Prioritize speed and position over load lifted.
Mins 1-3: 3 tall jerks
Mins 4-6: 3 jerk balances
Mins 7-9: 3 touch-and-go split jerks
*Increase weight every 3 minutes. Prioritize speed and position over load lifted.
C1. Rack pull lock-outs from above-the-knee
5×3; Tough but fast; Rest 30s
C2. Glute-ham raises
5×30-45s AMRAP; Rest 2-3 min
D1. Double KB overhead walking lunges
4×50’; Tough; Rest 30s
D2. Jumping switch lunges
4×45-60s AMRAP; Rest 30s
D3. Jump squats
4×45-60s AMRAP; Rest 2-3 min
E. 5 min AMRAP:
Prowler push (shoot for tough weight and as much steady movement as possible)