Workout of the Day

3 sets:
800m row @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
400m row @ 85%
-Rest 3 min
*800m @ increasing pace. 400m @ just under 2k PR pace.
(Rest 5-10 min)
2 sets:
2 min assault bike @ 75%
-Rest 1 min
1 min assault bike @ 85%
-Rest 3 min
*Same pacing structure for bike intervals as row intervals.

PM: Oly, int + BSq, pause + Lower muscle endurance + Grinder
A. E90s for 10 sets:
1 power snatch + 1 squat snatch
*Set up two separate bars. Keep power snatch lighter than squat snatch and make it fast and snappy. Build in weight as youre able.

B. Front squat + Split jerk
Build to a tough triple of the complex in 12 min, then do 2 triples at 80% of the complex
*So do front squat + split jerk + front squat + split jerk + front squat + split jerk. Use blocks so you can drop after the jerk.

C. One and a quarter back squat
5×2; Building; Rest 90s
*Start moderate and build per set. Prioritize speed over load.

D. E45s for 3 rounds:
1st: 30s strict hanging leg raise
2nd: 30s ball slams (30/20)
3rd: 30s single-leg V-ups, right
4th: 30s single-leg V-ups, left
5th: Rest

E. E45s for 3 rounds:
1st: 30s glute-ham raises
2nd: 30s single-leg hamstring curls on Swiss ball, right
3rd: 30s single-leg hamstring curls on Swiss ball, left
4th: 30s single-leg wall sit at parallel, right
5th: 30s single-leg wall sit at parallel, left
6th: Rest

F. 10 min AMRAP:
3 rounds:
10 power snatches (145/100)
20 burpees, 6 target
AMRAP snatches (185/120) in remaining time


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