Workout of the Day

A. EMOTM 10:
1st: 3 Pendlay rows
2nd: 3 strict presses
*Start moderate and build per set.

B1. Single-arm DB row
3×15-20/arm; 10×0 tempo; Rest 30s b/w arms; Rest 30s
B2. Single-arm DB bench press
3×15-20/arm; 10×0 tempo; Rest 30s b/w arms; Rest 30s

C. EMOTM until failure:
1 legless rope climb
(Rest 10 min)
Increasing on the minute until failure:
1st: 1 kipping handstand push-up to 10” deficit
2nd: 2 kipping handstand push-ups to 10” deficit
3rd: 3 kipping handstand push-ups to 10” deficit

D. EMOTM 18:
1st: 20s single-arm FLR on rings, right + 20s single-arm FLR on rings, left
2nd: 10 DB overhead walking lunges, right – moderate
3rd: 10 DB overhead walking lunges, left – moderate


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