30 min @ 80%:
2 strict toes-to-bar
1 mile assault bike
15 burpees, no push-ups
100’/hand suitcase carry
20 crossover step-ups onto 20″
1000m row
A. Snatch pull
Build to a tough touch-and-go set of 3, then do 3×3 @ 90% of today’s tough set
*Use straps.
B. Clean pull
Build to a tough touch-and-go set of 3, then do 3×3 @ 90% of today’s tough set
C. 5 sets:
30s AMRAP handstand walk
-Rest 30-60s
D. 20 min:
2:30 reverse sled drag – grinder effort
2:30 AMRAP 10s unbroken hollow holds
2:30 reverse sled drag
2:30 assault bike – moderate effort