A1. Strict pull-ups
5×2; Rest 1 min
A2. DB Z press
5×8; Rest 1 min
Training notes:
•Use assistance as necessary on pull-ups to keep them unbroken.
•Shoot for heavier than last week – fewer reps.
Record reps completed and weight used.
B. 4 min AMRAP:
6 strict hanging leg raises
8 DB push presses
10 assault bike/row calories
-Rest 1 min
4 min AMRAP:
6 vertical ring rows
8 push-ups, hand-release
10 assault bike/row calories
-Rest 1 min
4 min AMRAP:
6 renegade rows with push-up
8 DB snatches, alternating
10 assault bike/row calories
Training notes:
•If necessary scale total reps of bodyweight movements so you can keep moving. Fractioning is ok, but you should be able to get through a few rounds on each AMRAP.
•Elevate hands as necessary to achieve full range of motion on push-ups. Don’t do hand-release if hands are elevated…
Record reps completed on each AMRAP.
A1. Ring muscle-ups
5×40-60% of AMRAP set; Rest 30s
A2. Pendlay rows
5×3; Rest 2-3 min
Training notes:
•Shoot for at least 3 unbroken muscle-ups per set. If less than that, modify the movement.
Record reps completed and weight used.
B. 4 min AMRAP:
5 strict toes-to-bar
10 kipping handstand push-ups
15 assault bike/row calories
-Rest 1 min
4 min AMRAP:
5 strict chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 kipping ring dips
15 assault bike/row calories
-Rest 1 min
4 min AMRAP:
5 renegade rows with push-up (50/hand – 35/hand)
10 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
15 assault bike/row calories
Training notes:
•If necessary scale total reps of bodyweight movements so you can keep moving. Fractioning is ok, but you should be able to get through a few rounds on each AMRAP.
Record reps completed on each AMRAP.