A. Power snatch
Build to a tough 1.1.1 for today with perfect technique
B. Snatch-grip RDL – no hook grip
3×8-10; 31×1 tempo; Rest 90-120s
C. 7 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…DB cleans
3-6-9-12…DB front squats
3-6-9-12…box jumps, step down
A. Squat snatch
3,1,2,1; Waveload; Rest 2 min
*Reset each rep.
B. Snatch-grip RDL – no hook grip
3×8-10; 31×1 tempo; Rest 90-120s
C. 7 min AMRAP:
3-6-9-12…squat snatches (95/65)
3-6-9-12…chest-to-bar pull-ups