A. Elevator pull-ups
5×3; Rest 60-90s
Training notes:
•Use assistance to maintain good positions on these.
B. E2min for 16 min:
1st: 10 DB Z press + 45s bike/row @ high effort
2nd: 10 double DB bent over rows + 45s bike/row @ high effort
Training notes:
•Z press and bent over rows should be challenging. You don’t have to use the same weight for both movements.
•Shoot for consistency in pacing on bike/row.
A. Slow eccentric ring muscle-up
5×1; Rest 60-90s
Training notes:
•Jump to the top of a ring muscle-up, then lower as slowly as possible through the transition.
B. E2min for 16 min:
1st: 4-6 unbroken strict handstand push-ups to deficit if possible + 10 bike/row calories @ tough effort
2nd: 4-6 unbroken strict weighted chest-to-bar pull-ups + 10 bike/row calories @ tough effort
Training notes:
•Prioritize completing sets unbroken. Adjust movement difficulty as needed to maintain unbroken sets.
•You should have some rest between sets as well. Adjust total number of calories as needed so that you have at least a bit of rest between rounds.