A. Segmented power clean
5×1; Building; Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Pause below-the-knee, above-the-knee and mid-thigh.
•Only build if segmented positions are solid.
Record weights used.
B. 5 min AMRAP:
10 push-ups
10 vertical ring rows
(Rest 5 min)
5 min AMRAP:
Training notes:
•Chest all the way to the ground on push-ups. Elevate hands as necessary.
•Manmaker weight should be challenging but doable.
Record reps for each AMRAP.
A. Segmented squat clean
Build to a max for today in 12 minutes.
Training notes:
•Pause below-the-knee, above-the-knee and mid-thigh.
•Only build if segmented positions are solid.
Record weights used.
B. @ 0:00
For time:
30 wall climbs
•7 minute cap
@ 10:00
5 min AMRAP:
(Hu)manmakers (50/hand – 35/hand)
Training notes:
•Nose touches wall on wall climbs & control eccentric.
•Manmaker weight should be challenging but doable.
Record time for wall climbs and score for 5 min AMRAP.