A. Back squat
3×2; 21×1 tempo; Across; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Actually fully pause in the bottom of the squat.
•Build over a few sets to a moderately challenging weight for today, then hit three total sets at today’s working weight.
Record weight lifted.
B. EMOM 6:
1st: 30s reverse lunges, alternating
2nd: 30-45s flutter kicks
•Keep low back flat on the ground during flutter kicks.
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
10 DB goblet reverse lunges, alternating
10 DB snatches, alternating
10 DB goblet reverse lunges, alternating
10 ring rows
Training notes:
•DB lunges are in place.
A. Back squat
Build to a tough 2 for today @ 21×1 tempo in 15 minutes
Training notes:
•Actually fully pause in the bottom of the squat.
•Shoot for a few warm-up sets then build over 4-5 sets to a challenging – but not necessarily maximal – set of 2 for today.
Record weight lifted.
B. EMOM 6:
1st: 20s jumping switch lunges – push the pace on these
2nd: 30-45s flutter kicks
•Keep low back flat on the ground during flutter kicks.
(Rest 2 min)
8 min AMRAP:
10 overhead DB reverse lunges, alternating (50/35)
10 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
10 overhead DB reverse lunges, alternating (50/35)
10 pull-ups
Training notes:
•Achieve full hip extension on jumping switch lunges but push the pace on cycle time as much as possible.
•DB lunges are in place.
Record reps in second AMRAP.