A1. Push press
3×5; Building; Rest 30s
A2. Plank w/ alternating shoulder taps
3×30-60s; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Goal is to add muscle endurance work in the plank w/ shoulder taps after the push presses.
Record weights for each set.
B. E3min for 6 sets—
1st: 20s hang from pull-up bar + 5-10 strict hanging leg raises + 10 ball slams + 20 jumping switch lunges
2nd: 10 DB Z press + 10 push-ups, hand-release + 10 jumping squats
Training notes:
•18 total minutes of work.
•Movements should remain unbroken throughout.
•Ideally stay on the bar between hang from pull-up bar and strict leg raises.
•Choose challenging weight for DB Z press
Record splits for each round.
A1. Push press
3×3; Building; Rest 30s
A2. Strict press
3×8; Building; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Quickly change weights between push press and press. These are a variation of “drop sets” in that the push press should be difficult and the strict press should just be some volume accumulation on top of that.
Record weights for each set.
B. E3min for 6 sets—
1st: 10 pull-ups + 10 toes-to-bar + 10 ball slams + 20 jumping switch lunges
2nd: 5 strict handstand push-ups + 5 strict ring dips + 10 push-ups, hand-release + 10 jumping squats
Training notes:
•18 total minutes of work.
•Movements should remain unbroken throughout.
Record splits for each round.