A. Hang power clean + Front squat + Hang squat clean
4x(1+1+1); Building; Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Prioritize positions and speed over weight lifted.
B. 21-18-15:
Assault bike/row calories
DB thrusters (moderate)
Assault bike/row calories
DB hang power cleans
Assault bike/row calories
DB snatches, alternating
Training notes:
•18 minute cap.
•Same DB weight for all movements.
Record time.
A. Hang muscle clean + Front squat + Hang squat clean
4x(1+1+1); Building; Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Prioritize positions and speed over weight lifted.
•Make sure these are actual muscle cleans – not power cleans.
•Goal is to understand the dynamic of pulling under the bar then apply that to the squat clean.
B. 21-18-15:
Assault bike/row calories
Thrusters (95/65)
Assault bike/row caloriesPower cleans (95/65)
15-12-9:Assault bike/row calories
Power snatches (95/65)
Training notes:
•18 minute cap.
•Barbell weight should be “moderate.”
Record time.