A. E90s for 9 sets:
1.1.1 power cleans w/ 1s pause in receiving position
Training notes:
•Reset each rep. Not touch-and-go.
•Start moderate and build as able, but prioritize positions over load lifted.
Record weights used.
B. EMOM 12:
1st: 30s DB hang squat cleans
2nd: 30s DB shoulder-to-overhead
3rd: 30s burpees, no push-up
Training notes:
•Try to recover on burpees.
Record splits per round.
A. E90s for 9 sets:
1st: 1.1.1 power cleans
2nd: 1.1 power cleans
3rd: 1 power clean
Training notes:
•Waveload. Top single should be heavy. Go for it if it feels good.
•Reset each rep. Not touch-and-go.
Record weights used.
B. EMOM 12:
1st: 20s squat clean and jerks (95/65)
2nd: 20s chest-to-bar pull-ups
3rd: 30s burpees, no push-up
Training notes:
•Move fast on each of these pieces.
•Try to recover on burpees.
Record splits per round.