Complete the following with partners switching as necessary—
5 min AMRAP:
Wall balls
-Rest 1 min
5 min AMRAP:
10 DB hang clean & jerks
6 burpees
-Rest 1 min
5 min AMRAP:
DB front rack reverse lunges, alternating
-Rest 1 min
5 min AMRAP:
10 DB snatches, alternating
10 push-ups
-Rest 1 min
5 min AMRAP:
Row/bike calories
Training notes:
-Strategize so that each partner is working hard at high effort for each interval. The appropriate rest/switching interval will vary depending on the movement.
Record total reps – and record reps for each 5 minute interval in training notes.
Complete the following with partners switching as necessary—
“Dallas 5”
5 min AMRAP:
Wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 10’)
-Rest 1 min
5 min AMRAP:
10 DB hang clean & jerks (50/hand – 35/hand)
6 burpees
-Rest 1 min
5 min AMRAP:
Single-arm DB overhead reverse lunges, alternating (50/35)
-Rest 1 min
5 min AMRAP:
10 DB snatches, alternating (50/35)
10 push-ups
-Rest 1 min
5 min AMRAP:
Row/bike calories
Training notes:
-Strategize so that each partner is working hard at high effort for each interval. The appropriate rest/switching interval will vary depending on the movement.
-This is a variation of “Dallas 5” which we did last week.
Record total reps – and record reps for each 5 minute interval in training notes.