A. Teams of two alternate rounds.
15 min AMRAP:
30 double-unders or 50 singles
15 Russian KB swings, tough
10 burpees
Rest 5 minutes
15 min AMRAP:
5 DB thrusters, tough
10 Box jumps, step down
15 Assault bike calories
B1. Side-to-side ball slams
3×10-12, R45s
B2.Plank hold on low rings
3x 30-60s, R45s
B3. KB bottoms up Half TGU
3×3-5/side, R45s
A. Teams of two alternate rounds.
15 min AMRAP:
30 double-unders
15 power snatches (75/55)
Rest 5 minutes
15 min AMRAP:
5 thrusters (75/55)
10 power cleans (75/55)
15 Assault bike calories
B1. Side-to-side ball slams
3×10-12, R45s
B2. Plank hold on low rings
3x 45-60s, R45s
B3. KB bottoms up Half TGU
3×3-5/side, R45s