A1. Push press
3×2; Building; Rest 30s
A2. Double KB front rack wall sit at parallel
3×30-45s; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Goal is to add muscle endurance work after push presses.
•KBs should be challenging to hold.
Record weights for each set.
B. 12 min AMRAP:
3 wall climbs
5 vertical ring rows
7 DB presses
9 DB bent over rows
Training notes:
•DBs should be moderately challenging for strict presses.
Record time.
A1. Push press
3,2,1; Building; Rest 30s
A2. Strict press
4,6,8; Decrease in weight throughout; Rest 2 min
Training notes:
•Quickly change weights between push press and press. These are a variation of “drop sets” in that the push press should be difficult and the strict press should just be some volume accumulation on top of that.
•Weights for push press go up as reps decrease. Weights for strict press go down as reps increase.
Record weights for each set.
B. 12 min AMRAP:
3 wall climbs
5 bar muscle-ups
7 strict presses
9 Pendlay rows
Training notes:
•Use same barbell weight for strict presses and Pendlay rows – Pendlays will be the limiter.
Record rounds completed.