A. 3 position power snatch (above-the-knee, below-the-knee, floor)
4×2; Building; Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Hang onto the bar between reps for the hang sets.
•Prioritize good positions over load lifted.
•Reset between reps – not touch-and-go.
Record weight lifted.
B. 12 min AMRAP:
5 DB push presses
10 lateral DB hops
15 air squats
Training notes:
•Push press weight should be challenging but not insurmountable. Adjust accordingly.
Record time.
A. 3 position power snatch (above-the-knee, below-the-knee, floor)
4×2; Building; Rest 90s
Training notes:
•Hang onto the bar between reps for the hang sets.
•Prioritize good positions over load lifted.
•Reset between reps – not touch-and-go.
Record weight lifted.
B. For time:
9 push presses (135/95)
100 double-unders
15 push presses (135/95)
75 double-unders
21 push presses (135/95)
50 double-unders
Training notes:
•12 minute cap.
•Push press weight should be challenging but not insurmountable. Adjust accordingly.
Record time.