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A1. Pendlay rows
3,2,1,3,2,1; Waveload; Rest 60s
A2. Close-grip bench press
3,2,1,3,2,1; Waveload; Rest 60s

B1. Pendlay rows
3x60s AMRAP @ 135/95#; Rest 30s
B2. Close-grip bench press
3x60s AMRAP @ 135/95#; Rest 3-4 min

C. Increasing EMOTM until failure:
1st: 1 bar muscle-up
2nd: 2 bar muscle-ups
3rd: 3 bar muscle-ups

(Rest as needed)
Increasing EMOTM until failure:
1st: 1 wall climb + 1 wall-facing strict handstand push-up
2nd: 1 wall climb + 2 wall-facing strict handstand push-ups
3rd: 1 wall climb + 3 wall-facing strict handstand push-ups

D. EMOTM 10:
1st: 20s single-arm FLR on rings, right + 20s single-arm FLR on rings, left
2nd: 30s glute-bridge hold, right + 30s glute-bridge hold, left


A. DB Press-
4×6-8, 3010, R60s
*same weight as last week, longer tempo

B. Double KB Bent over row-
4×6-8, 30×1, R60s

C. 5 sets on a 3 minute interval:
5 False grip ring rows
7 KB Deadlift, heavy
9 Burpees
Rest remainder or 3 min interval

A. Press-
4×5, 10X1, Build, R60s
*start slightly heavier

B. Pendlay Row-
4×8, 10X0, Build, R60s
*start slightly heavier

C. 5 sets on a 3 minute interval:
2 Legless Rope climbs
5 Deadlifts (315/225)
10 Burpees Over the Bar
Rest remainder or 3 min interval


4 sets:
400m row @ 50%
-Rest 15s
400m row @ 50%
-Rest 15s
100m row @ 90%
100m row @ 50%
100m row @ 90%
100m row @ 50%
-Rest 2 min

PM: Oly, int + BSq, pause + Lower muscle endurance + Grinder
A. EMOTM 10:
1st: 1 power snatch
2nd: 1 squat snatch
*Start moderate and build per set. Use two separate bars so you can adjust weights separately.

B. Front squat x4 + Split jerk
Build to a tough complex for today in 12 min, then do 3x(4+1) @ ~80% of today’s tough set

C. Back squat to box just below parallel
5,4,3,2,1; 22×1 tempo; Building; Rest 60s
*Prioritize speed and position over load.

D.E45s for 3 times through:
1st: 30s single-leg wall sit at parallel, right
2nd: 30s single-leg wall sit at parallel, left
3rd: 30s single-leg V-ups, right
4th: 30s single-leg V-ups, left
5th: Rest

E. 5 sets:
30s glute-ham raises
30s jumping switch lunges
30s glute-ham raises
-Rest 60-90s

F. 15 min AMRAP:
5-10-15… burpee box jumps (24/20)
100’-200’-300’…prowler push – tough
100’-200’-300’…double KB front rack carry (70/hand – 55/hand)


A. Deadlift-
3×5, 1RX1, Across, R90-120s
*add 5-10lbs from last week

B.DB Bench Press-
3×6-8, 20×1, R90-120s
*increase weight

C. 3 minute AMRAP @90%
10 Burpees
10 Russian KB swings

Rest 2 minutes

3 minute AMRAP @90%
10 Slamball Goblet hold Alternating lunges, tough
10 Ball Slams

Rest 2 minutes

3 minute AMRAP @90%
10 Broad jumps
10 Ring Rows

A. Deadlift-
3×, 1RX1, Build, R90-120s
*start slightly heavier

B. Bench Press-
3×4, 22×1, Build, R90-120s
*start slightly heavier

C. 3 minute AMRAP @90%
10 Pull Ups
10 Box Jumps, step down (20/14)

Rest 2 minutes

3 minute AMRAP @90%
10 Burpees Over KB
10 Russian KB Swings (82+/70)

Rest 2 minutes

3 minute AMRAP @90%
10 Toes-to-bar
10 Goblet squats (70/53)


1 min assault bike @ 70%
1 min assault bike @ 50%
1 min assault bike @ 75%
1 min assault bike @ 50%
1 min assault bike @ 80%
1 min assault bike @ 50%
1 min assault bike @ 85%
1 min assault bike @ 50%
(Rest 3 min)
50s assault bike @ 87%
50s assault bike @ 50%
40s assault bike @ 90%
40s assault bike @ 50%
30s assault bike @ 92%
30s assault bike @ 50%
20s assault bike @ 95%
20s assault bike @ 50%
10s assault bike @ 100%

PM: MAP, high %, mixed
12 min AMRAP:
10 toes-to-bar
8 shoulder-to-overhead (135/95)
6 box jumps, no rebound (30/24)
(Rest 10-15 min)
Row calories
Burpees over-the-erg
(Rest 10-15 min)
2 rounds:
8 power snatches (65/45)
8 kipping handstand push-ups
2 rounds:
8 power snatches (75/55)
8 kipping handstand push-ups
2 rounds:
8 power snatches (85/65)
8 kipping handstand push-ups

15 min assault bike @ Z1


Teams of 4: 4 rounds
Work 4 minutes, rest 1 minute, switch stations every minute. Everyone rests at the same time.
Station 1: DB over the shoulder- (100/80)
Station 2: Rope Climbs
Station 3: DB front squats @ 2x 50/30
Station 4: Burpees
Rest: 60s

Teams of 4: 4 rounds
Work 4 minutes, rest 1 minute, switch stations every minute. Everyone rests at the same time.
Station 1: DB over the shoulder- (100/80)
Station 2: Rope Climbs
Station 3: DB front squats @ 2x 50/30
Station 4: Burpees
Rest: 60s


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