3 sets:
300m row @ 85-90%
30s air squats @ 50% – recovery pace
-Rest 30s
3 sets:
200m row @ 85-90%
30s air squats @ 50% – recovery pace
-Rest 60s
3 sets:
100m row @ 85-90%
30s air squats @ 50% – recovery pace
-Rest 90s
(Rest as needed)
10 min skill practice:
Legless rope climbs, peg board, strict muscle-ups
PM: Push/Pull, int + Push/Pull, vol + Gym battery + Core
A. Pendlay row
Build to a 3RM for today @ 30×0 tempo
B. Close-grip bench press
Build to a max for today in 10 min
C. 5 min AMRAP:
5 Pendlay rows (135/95)
10 ring push-ups
15 ring rows
20 DB push press (45/hand – 25/hand)
D. 7 min AMRAP:
Burpee ring muscle-ups
E. EMOTM 20:
1st: 1 wall climb + 2 strict wall-facing handstand push-ups
2nd: 20s single-arm FLR on rings, right + 20s single-arm FLR on rings, left
3rd: 1 wall climb + 2 strict wall-facing handstand push-ups
4th: 30s/side hip airplanes – use band for support as necessary