1000m row @ 80%
-Rest 3 min
100m row @ 70%
150m row @ 90%
50m row @ 50%
-Rest 3 min
1000m row @ 80%
PM: Oly, int + BSq, pause + Lower muscle endurance + Grinder
Mins 1-4: 4 squat snatches – drop each rep – same weight for all
Mins 5-8: 3 squat snatches – drop each rep – same weight for all
Mins 9-12: 2 squat snatches – drop each rep – same weight for all
Mins 13-16: 1 squat snatch – build per set if able
B. Squat jerk
3,3,2,2,1,1; Rest 60-90s
*Start moderate and build per set.
C. Front squat + Split jerk x2 + Front squat
Build to a tough complex for today, then do 3x(1+2+1) @ 80-90% of today’s tough set
*Use jerk blocks. Drop each split jerk.
D. One and a quarter front squat
Build to a max for today in 10 min
E. E45s for 3 rounds:
1st: 30s jumping switch lunges
2nd: 30s jump squats
3rd: 30s DB snatches, alternating – moderate
4th: 30s Russian KB swings – moderate
5th: 30s DB hang squat clean thrusters – moderate
6th: 30s plank
F. 10 min AMRAP:
11 squat cleans (225/145)
75 double-unders
9 squat cleans (275/175)
75 double-unders
AMRAP squat cleans (315/205)