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Fitness & Performance

2 Clean high pull
*start light and build every 2 minutes

B. 25 min AMRAP @ SERIOUSLY 50-70%:
.5 mile assault bike
10 DB floor press, lightish
30s Ring support/Rack support
100’ DB goblet hold carry, HEAVY
5/arm Turkish get-ups (26/18)
30s handstand hold (wall facing)


A. 1 min AMRAP @ 85-90%:
10 thrusters (95/65) + 10 bar-facing burpees
*Re-start where you left off.
1 min AMRAP @ 75%:
Step-ups, alternating (24″/20”)
-Rest 1 min
(Rest 5-10 min)
1 min AMRAP @ 85-90%:
10 Russian KB swings (70/55) + 10 wall balls (20 to 10’/14 to 10’)
*Re-start where you left off.
1 min AMRAP @ 75%:
Burpees, no push-up
-Rest 1 min
(Rest 10-15 min)
10 min @ 75%:
100’ farmer’s walk (88/hand – 70/hand)
50’ suitcase carry, right (88/70)
10 assault bike calories
100’ farmer’s walk (88/hand – 70/hand)
50’ suitcase carry, left (88/70)
10 assault bike calories


A. Power Clean-
5×3 TNG, R90-120s, Build each set

B. 4 Sets:
60s AMRAP Power clean & push jerk, tough
60s AMRAP Hand release push ups
Rest 60s

A. 5 sets:
Power clean + power clean+ squat clean thruster, TNG, R90-120s, Build each set

B. 4 Sets:
60s AMRAP 3 Unbroken TNG Clean & Jerk (115/75)
60s AMRAP Strict HSPU
Rest 60s
*Sub tough pushing movement if needed


E2 min for 30 min:
1st: 50’ broad jumps – touch-and-go
2nd: 12s assault bike @ 100%
3rd: 100’ yoke carry (heavy)
*Assault bike @ 50% during rest periods.

PM: Push/Pull, int + Push/Pull, vol + Gym battery + Core
A1. Strict weighted chest-to-bar pull-up
Build to a max for today
A2. Strict press
Build to a max for today
*Alternate movements as you’re building in weight.

B. 7 min AMRAP:
Burpee bar muscle-ups
(Rest 5 min)
7 min AMRAP:
1 burpee
1 kipping handstand push-up (10” deficit)

C. EMOTM 15:
1st: 30s hammer curls (moderate)
2nd: 45s banded face pulls @ 1111 tempo
3rd: 45s banded tricep push-downs @ 1111 tempo

D. EMOTM 15:
1st: 20s single-arm ring rows, right + 20s single-arm DB bench press, left
2nd: 20s single-arm ring rows, left + 20s single-arm DB bench press, right
3rd: 20-30s/arm single-arm FLR on rings


A. Every 2 minutes x 8 sets:
3 TNG deadlifts, add weight every 2 sets

B. 8 minute AMRAP @ 85%
6 Burpees
8 Russian KB swings, tough
10 Wall Balls, tough

Rest 5 minutes

10 minute AMRAP @ 90-95%
20 Alt DB snatches, tough
15 Kipping knees-to-elbows
20 Alt Lunges

A. 6 Sets:
20s AMRAP TNG deadlifts (60-70% of 1RM)
Rest 1:40
*Modify weight to keep 20’s Unbroken

B. 8 minute AMRAP @ 85%
6 Burpees
8 Russian KB swings (70/53)
10 Wall Balls (20/14)

Rest 5 minutes

10 minute AMRAP @ 90-95%
20 Alt DB snatches (70/50)
15 Toes-to-bar
10 Alt Pistols w/ KB (35/26)


3 sets:
300m row @ 80%
100m roll-on/roll-off
300m row @ 85%
100m roll-on/roll-off
300m row @ 90%
100m roll-off
-Rest 1 min

PM: Oly, int + BSq, pause + Lower muscle endurance + Grinder
A. E30s for 5 min:
1st: 1 power snatch
2nd: 1 squat snatch
*Same load for both movements.
(Rest 2-3 min)
1st: 1 power snatch
2nd: 1 squat snatch
*Same load for both movements.

B. Squat clean + Split jerk x2
Build to a tough double of the complex for today in 10 min

C. For time:
7 squat cleans (315/205)
50 double-unders
25 toes-to-bar
9 squat cleans (275/175)
50 double-unders
25 toes-to-bar
11 squat cleans (225/145)
50 double-unders
25 toes-to-bar
13 squat cleans (185/115)
50 double-unders
25 toes-to-bar
15 squat cleans (135/95)
50 double-unders
25 toes-to-bar


    Come in for a free consultation with one of our expert coaches.