5 sets:
200m row @ 85%
300m row @ 75%
200m row @ 85%
300m row @ 75%
-Rest 2 min
*Roll on and off between paces.
A. E10s for 5 min:
1 depth drop from 34″/26”
B. E20s for 5 min:
1 depth jump from 24″/20”
*Rebound and jump as high as you can.
C. Deadlift
3×7; Across; Rest 2 min
*Reset each rep. Tough, but keep good positions.
D. EMOTM 11:
2 back squats @ 68%
*Move fast.
E. 4 rounds:
10 banded glute-ham raises @ 30×0 tempo
-Rest 30s
10-12 body saws on rings
-Rest 30s
1 min wall sit w single KB goblet hold (tough)
-Rest 2 min