3 rounds:
400m run @ 80%
100’ belted sled drag (heavy)
-Rest 2 min
3 rounds:
400m run @ 80%
100’ belted reverse sled drag (heavy)
-Rest 2 min
3 rounds:
400m run @ 80%
100’ prowler push (heavy)
-Rest 2 min
A. Squat snatch w/ 1s pause in receiving position
2,1,2,1,2,1; Rest 90s
*Reset each rep.
**Top single not maximal
B1. Strict ring muscle-ups
5×1-3; Rest 1 min
B2. Legless rope climb
5×1-2; Rest as needed
C. 5 min AMRAP:
Kipping handstand push-ups to 10” deficit
D. E20s for 8 min:
1st: 10s L-sit hanging from rings
2nd: 10s support on rings in external rotation
3rd: 10s hold in bottom of pistol – alternate legs each time through
E. EMOTM 10:
1st: 30s single-arm FLR on rings, right + 30s single-arm FLR on rings, left
2nd: 30s/side hip airplanes