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A. Squat snatch
4×2; Rest 2 min
*Reset each rep.
**Moderately tough load. No misses.

B. Power clean
3,2,1,2,1; Waveload; Rest 2 min
*Top single tough. All others “moderate.”

C1. Glute-ham raises
3×30-45s AMRAP; 20×0 tempo; Rest 30s
C2. DB death march
3×30-60s; Moderate load; Rest 30s
C3. Banded good mornings
3×30-60s; 2020 tempo; Rest 2-3 mnin

D. 5 sets:
.5 miles assault bike @ 80% – moderately tough
5 thrusters (tough)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
-Rest 2-3 min


10 min:
1:45 jog @ 75%
15s run @ 90+%
*Can do this on assault runner or outside
(Rest as needed)
10 min @ 75%:
800m row
30 DB snatch, alternating (30/20)
30 air squats
AMRAP assault bike cals in remaining time
10 min @ 85%:
800m row
30 DB snatch, alternating (50/35)
30 air squats
AMRAP assault bike cals in remaining time.
(Rest as needed)
10 min:
30s suitcase carry, right (tough)
30s suitcase carry, left (tough)



A. 4 cone drill-
2x forward
2x side shuffle
2x back peddle
2x combo
B. Every 90s for 6 sets-
1st- 200’ D-Ball Zercher Carry (as heavy as possible)
2nd- 8 Double KB Russian swings (as heavy as possible)
3rd- 2 supine-to-standing Rope climbs


A. 4 cone drill-
2x forward
2x side shuffle
2x back peddle
2x combo
B. Every 90s for 6 sets –
1st- 200’ D-Ball Zercher Carry (as heavy as possible)
2nd- 10 Double KB Russian swings (as heavy as possible)
3rd- 1 legless rope climb + 1 rope climb



A, Close grip bench press-
4×3-5, Build as needed, Rest 2 minutes
B. EMOTM 16:
Odd: 3 power snatches, tough
Even: 3-5 DB renegade rows, tough


A, Close grip bench press-
4×4 @ RPE 9, Rest 2 minutes
B. EMOTM 16:
Odd: 1.1 Squat snatches (70-80% of 1RM)
Even: 3 burpee MU’s
*Sub 6 chest-to-bar pull ups or 6 ring dips


Mins 1-3: 3 jerk balances
Mins 4-6: 2 jerk balances
Mins 7-9: 1 jerk balance
*Pause briefly in receiving position on jerk balance.

B1. Farmer’s walk
3×200’; Rest 30s
*Use DBs and go as heavy as possible.
B2. Double KB front rack bottoms-up carry
3×100’; Rest 2 min

C. EMOTM 10:
1st: 30-45s hang from rings
2nd: 20-30s support on rings
1st: 45s banded good mornings @ 2020 tempo
2nd: 45s D-ball front rack carry (tough)

D. 5 sets:
500m row @ 80% – moderately tough pace
5 power cleans (tough weight – no misses – reset each rep)
-Rest 2-3 min



A. Deadlifts-
4×4-6, build as needed, Rest 2 minutes
B. For time:
30/25 Row calories
20 burpees to 45lb plate
10 Alternating SA DB clean and press, tough


A. Deadlifts-
4×4 @ RPE 7, Rest 2 minutes
B. For time:
30/25 Assault bike calories
20 burpee box jump overs (24/20)
10 Alternating SA DB clean and press (85/55)


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